IP and TT Policy
Complementing the “Code for Good Scientific Practice”, this corporate policy translates, clarifies and supplements existing laws and regulations on the ownership, management and transfer of intellectual and industrial property rights arising from the work done at CRG, or by CRG researchers. Further, it describes the existing mechanisms and structures designed to promote the successful transfer of research results to the rest of the scientific community, to industry and to society.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Complementing the “Code for Good Scientific Practice” and the “Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Policy” at CRG, this corporate policy contextualizes, sets the rules, and describes the procedures available to identify, deal with, manage, and resolve any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from a researcher’s personal and professional activity inside and outside CRG.
Software Policy
Adhering to recently published “PLoS Data and Software Policies” as well as to “Nar Policy on Web Servers”, this corporate policy describes the rules affecting the commitments and duties of CRG researchers and members of the Core Facilities and Management areas, as well as external consultants regarding the management and life cycle of scientific software totally or partially developed by them while working at, or for the CRG.
Startup Guide
Intended for entrepreneurs, who are looking to start a new company around innovations emanating from CRG, this Guide is meant to provide them with some answers on how to tackle the most common issues that they will encounter, or may be facing already. The purpose of this guide is not to provide entrepreneurs with all the answers, but rather to serve as a starting point for engaging them in fruitful discussions with the TBDO about their entrepreneurial adventure.