Òscar Fornas
The Flow Cytometry Unit provides researchers at CRG/PRBB and external organizations with technical expertise and training to access the state-of-the-art instrumentation, as well as technical and scientific advice to develop efficient and reliable flow cytometric assays with the highest quality control standards and productivity. The Unit supports the use of a wide range of flow cytometry applications and new ones are developed/implemented responding to the facility needs or upon user demand. High quality control standards, as well as standard QC procedures suggested by the manufacturer are applied to the instrumentation to achieve maximum instrument performance.
The FACS Unit offers unique high-end applications in Europe such as single virus sorting, exceptional capabilities on single cell sorting for genomics and extracellular vesicle sorting, as well as flow karyotyping for chromosome sorting. With its five analyzers and two sorters is one of the most comprehensive and largest Becton Dickinson site in Spain.
- 2 cell sorters: BD FACSAria II SORP (5 lasers, up to 20 detectors), BD Influx High-Resolution System (5 lasers, up to 16 detectors)
- 5 analyzers: 3 digital (FACScanto, LSR II and LSR Fortessa), 2 analog (FACScan and FACScalibur), from 2 to 4 lasers, up to 16 detectors.
- Immunophenotyping
- Study of cell surface and intracellular antigens
- Analysis of DNA content, cell cycle and proliferation
- Analysis of Side Population
- Single cell sorting
- Single virus sorting
- Nano-sized particle detection and sorting (Extracellular Vesicles)
- Small particle detection (microparticles, microvesicles and apoptotic bodies)
- Flow karyotyping (chromosome sorting)
- Flow-FISH
- FRET assays
- Multiplexed assays
- Gene reporter assays
- Determination of enzyme activity
- Determination of cell integrity and membrane permeability
- Detection of Calcium flow
- Kinetics assays
For more information please Contact Us or visit the Unit Webpage.