Advanced Light Microscopy Unit

Nadia Halidi
The Advanced Light Microscopy Unit provides researchers at CRG/PRBB and external organizations with an outstanding range of high-end instruments and covers the entire spectrum of advanced light microscopy applications, including a recent focus on super-resolution microscopy. Several confocal and wide-field systems offer configurations for multicolor, multiphoton, single-molecule, in vivo time-lapse, and automated high-speed imaging.
It is currently one of the best-equipped microscopy units in Europe, frequent beta-test and demo site and several of its instruments are technology flagships in Spain.
- Super-resolution microscopy: Leica CW-STED, Leica GSDIM
- Single beam laser-scanning confocal microscopy: 4 systems (2 multiphoton microscopes, time-correlated single photon counting detectors)
- Andor Revolution XD spinning disk confocal microscope
- Zeiss Cell Observer HS wide-field microscope
- ImageXpress Screening Microscope w. transmission option
- Pulsed UV Laser ablation system
- Fluorescence Macro Zoom Microscope with ColorCCD
- Processing cluster + 2 processing workstations
- Super-resolution microscopy (STED, GSD/dSTORM)
- Two-photon and confocal microscopy
- Multi-position imaging
- Fluorescence (lifetime) correlation spectroscopy (FCS/FLCS)
- Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM)
- Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF)
- Single molecule applications
- Laser ablation/wounding
- High content screening (HCS)
- Environmental control for in vivo imaging
- Automated widefield imaging
- Image processing and analysis
For more information please Contact Us or visit the Unit Webpage.