Lateral line sensory neurons in the zebrafish larva
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Title: Lateral line sensory neurons in the zebrafish larva
Ref: HLS-0039
Author: Jesús Pujol-Martí
CRG Group: Sensory Cell Biology and Organogenesis - Hernán López-Schier
Size: 800 x 346
Description: Fish sense water movements in their surroundings by means of the lateral-line sensory system. Information captured by the lateral-line sensory organs, the neuromasts, is relayed to the brain through the lateral-line sensory neurons, highlighted in green (GFP) in the HGn39D transgenic larva of the image. Moreover, a subset of these neurons were labeled by red-fluorescent (rhodamine dextran) injection into a single neuromast. The lens of the eye is also GFP positive in this fish.
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